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Pride Beyond Pride Month

The Beauty of Pride

Every year, thousands descend onto London's streets to celebrate queer history, culture, and love, with hundreds of brands eager to show their support through sponsorship, donations, and the promotion of inclusive policies in the UK's industries and workplaces. However, how many of these brands have a genuine passion for being game-changers, and how many are merely "pinkwashing" and solely interested in profit?

National Skepticism

According to a June YouGov survey, 75% of people in Britain believe that brands engaging with Pride do so to "maintain a positive public image for themselves" rather than showing sincere support for the LGBTQ+ community. Only 7% of respondents agreed that companies are genuinely supportive. These stark figures reflect the prevailing sentiments towards brands and their participation in cultural events, raising the question of whether household names are doing enough.

Purpose over Profit

Despite scepticism from celebrants, numerous brands are making a positive impact on LGBTQ+ communities through their work and profits. For example, Hunter donates 100% of the profits from their dedicated Pride clogs to Outright International, a global charity advocating for LGBTQ+ human rights. Disney is another example, as they collaborated with individuals from the LGBTQ+ community to create their 2023 Pride collection. Additionally, Disney commits to year-round support for LGBTQ+ families and youth through partnerships with charities, including educational workshops and training, in the US and Europe.

Advertising's Pursuit for Inclusivity

At the start of Pride, Outvertising published an intervention discussing the inauthentic connection between brands, consumers, and Pride. Over 100 organisations, including the7stars, endorsed the statement, calling for active allyship instead of performative tactics. The intervention explores various ways brands and organizations can support, nurture, and advance LGBTQ+ talent and commitment internally while driving change within their industries. According to the Portland Generation A-Z report, 60% of individuals under 60 consider it important to combat discrimination against LGBTQ+ people. By fostering conversations with clients and brands, Outvertising promotes an inclusive mindset that places connecting with consumers at the forefront of media strategies.


Reflecting on Pride, we can observe that brand involvement remains a priority for many, but an increasing number now understand the importance of genuine action rather than making performative statements. In a world where anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-trans rhetoric dominates public conversations, it is more crucial than ever to witness the support of household names as they continue to champion inclusivity and back causes that foster a diverse culture.