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The End of Google Universal Analytics

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has been publicly available for a few years now but very much as an evolving product with several expected features missing. However, last year Google announced that its current solution, Universal Analytics (UA), would be sunset on July 1st, 2023.  After that, brands would need to migrate to GA4 to continue tracking traffic on their websites.

Now, as we approach the deadline, GA4 is more feature-rich, with new functionality added month by month. Whilst brands may be hesitant to adopt GA4 fully, here’s why we believe the opportunity should be embraced rather than feared.

User-Centric Approach

This new approach allows businesses to gain deeper insights into customer behaviour across websites, mobile apps, and other digital platforms through cross-platform tracking. This is particularly valuable for today’s multi-device and multi-channel landscape, where customers engage with brands through various touchpoints. GA4 helps unify these siloed data sources into a cohesive view for a more accurate representation of user behaviour.

Advanced Machine Learning Models

New models such as the AI-powered ‘Enhanced Measurement,’ which can automatically identify and measure key events and conversions, mean brands can reduce manual configuration and uncover valuable insights without extensive setup. Predictive modelling has also been added to help brands predict future behaviours of their users. This gives a clearer indication of various factors, including purchase propensity, churn, and predictive revenue.

Shifting Landscape

GA4 is also designed to address the evolving challenges in tracking and analysing user behaviour, as browser and legislative changes impact data collection. It offers new data modelling techniques that allow brands to continue gathering meaningful insights while respecting user privacy.

Flexibility and Granularity

Event tracking is much more refined compared to its predecessor, offering expanded tracking that allows brands to define custom events and parameters for specific user actions such as video views or file downloads.


GA4 seamlessly integrates with other Google products like Google Ads and Google Marketing Platform, making it easier for businesses to combine data from different sources for comprehensive analysis, unlocking the full potential of their data in the buying platforms for PPC and Programmatic Display.

By embracing GA4 to its fullest, brands can experiment with the new measurement capabilities, adapt their tracking and data strategies, and optimise their setup for long-term success.

GA4 is here to stay and will be the analytics platform of choice for most brands going forward. For this reason alone, we encourage brands to make use of the new insights and opportunities it brings to make data-driven decisions to fulfil their business objectives.